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Customer Assistants

Taskforce für unlimitierte Superkräfte

Virtual Landingpages

Turns your assistant into an interactive landing page where customer data can be requested and the next milestones can be discussed and accomplished. Your assistant will help your customers reach their destination faster. 

Customer Onboardings

Analyzes a new customer's demands, skills, and info requirements. Then, creates a tailored onboarding plan, schedules necessary training sessions, and assigns relevant onboarding and learning resources to optimize their time-to-productivity.

Customer Feedbacks & Ideation

Asks for feedback in a conversational manner and collects feature requests from different channels and prioritizes them based on their frequency and alignment with the product roadmap. 

Booking & Appointments

Once connected to your internal reservation system, it manages appointments and bookings. Enables the booking and management of appointments and the reservation of services or events.

Order Management

Tracks order status and delivery history. Creates, changes and cancels orders. Explains invoices and payment information and transfers enquiries to the responsible departments.

User Support

Reduces support volumes and increases customer satisfaction in minutes. Your assistant can effortlessly keeps conversations going wherever your customers are: websites, user accounts, WhatsApp, and mobile apps

Product comparisons & recommendations

Do you have a product that requires explanation with many variants and parameters? then an assistant from Kaias Team can help you to guide the customer step by step through the configuration and make a clear recommendation. 

Loyalty Programs

Motivates users to understand and better use your loyalty programmes. Offers personalized information about possible loyalty points, their membership status and helps them to redeem and manage rewards.

Step-by-step guidances

Offers support for technical problems. Provides step-by-step instructions for installation or troubleshooting and carries out automated diagnoses of any kind of problems.

Demo Assistants

See our latest assistants in action

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Kickstarte Dein Projekt

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Dein neuer Mitarbeiter

Welche Skills passen am besten?

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Erste medizinische Beratung



Persönliche Karriereberatung

Consulting Assistants

Taskforce für Conversational AI

Mark Pohlmann


Mark Pohlmann ist Gründer & CEO von MAVENS, dem Expertennetzwerk für Marketing Automation & Conversational AI. 


Ingo Horak

Advisory Board

Digital Health Entrepreneur und Mentor für Digital Health Start-Ups.

Simran Gavri


Softwareingenieurin, Projektmanagerin und Influencerin für legale Geräte – Simran ist eine Allzweckkraft im Team.​

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Gunnar Brune

Advisory Board

Menschlich. Hat keinen Respekt vor unserem Status quo. Fordert uns heraus, die Welt des Marketings zu verändern.

Über Mavens

KAIA ist stolzer Teil von MAVENS

ein innovativer MarTech-Lösungsanbieter mit Erfahrungen aus mehr als 500 MarTech-Projekten

Gegründet in 2010

in Hamburg, Deutschland - der schönste Stadt der Welt

20 Mitarbeiter in 6 Ländern

  • Deutschland

  • Polen

  • Ukraine

  • Südafrika

  • Irland

  • Nordmazedonien

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