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Partner up with Kaia's Team and grow faster than ever

Drive growth and scale your business by helping clients build customer assistants to personalize marketing, sales, and service.


Let us help you bring automation to the world

We help your team to bring customer assistants into the world


There are so many ways to share the magic of Kaia's Team - all it takes is the right partnership. We offer a strong program to suit your needs and help you provide the best for your clients.


Consulting Partner

Help businesses discover customer agents. Help customers define, draft, build and implement customer assistants platforms, train their teams, and support them at every step along the way.


  • Join our ecosystem with access to our partner portal, use case library and other marketing resources

  • Get access to preferred support, a sandbox environment and all the other benefits of our partner program

  • Take advantage of joint marketing activities and collaborations with technology partners



Technology Partner 

Technology partners are independent software developers and tech agencies looking to retain, engage, and grow their customer base through partnering with Kaia's Team. We offer a program with many options to collaborate as part of our global family and scale your integration offering to unprecedented heights.


  • Take advantage of specialized training, support, and resources

  • Participate in joint marketing activities, events, and more

  • Get unique insights from technical collaborations


Our partner collaboration kit

Your Role

  • Consulting / Customer Journey Design

  • Integration / Customization

  • Data Connection & Orchestration

  • Performance & Optimization

Your Toolkit

  • API

  • SSO

  • RAG

  • Interfaces

  • Analytics

Your Benefits

  • Onboardings

  • Documentation

  • Support

  • Webinare

  • Whatsapp Group


Get acces to our infrastructure 

Brand Layer

  • Product Data

  • RAG Input

  • Customer Data Platform (CDP)

  • CRM

  • Single Sign ON

Customer Assistant Layer

  • Widget & Whatsapp Integration

  • RAG Treatment

  • API

  • Admin & Monitoring Interface

  • GDPR / Fraud Detection

  • 24/7 Operations

3. User Layer

  • Prompts

  • Personal Data (Upload)

  • External Data (Upload)

How to become a partner

1. Apply for Partnership

Tell Kaia on this page why you want to becoma a partner and give her some input tou your team. No worries, she's really friendly!

2. Become a Partner

If we match, we sign a partner contract, your own Customer Assistant Platform, API access and many insights. Now the magic begins!

3. Get certified

"Train the trainer" - that is our motto for every partnership. We introduce your team, bring you together with our AI experts and connect you with other partners for better results.

Our partners

Meet expertise & passion.

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Technology Partner


Sirius Consulting

Consulting Partner



Consulting Partner

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Consulting Partner

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Technology Partner


Want to get in contact? Speak with Kaia

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